16 Oct Welcome Back to the Newport Car Museum
We are fortunate to be able to offer a safe and enjoyable visit for all. Our huge exhibit space (80,000 sq. ft.) provides all guests an atmosphere for experiencing our Museum at their own pace and as they feel most comfortable. We follow all State of Rhode Island and CDC guidelines for cleaning, sanitizing, signage and employee screening, and we politely request face mask usage when distancing is not possible. In addition, our air filtration and circulation system draws in fresh air from the outside every 45 minutes.
NO RESERVATIONS NECESSARY Tickets can be bought at the door or online at www.newportcarmuseum.org. Regular admission: $19/adults; $15/Seniors, Military, Students; $9/Ages 5-12 (with an adult); Free/Ages 4 and under (with an adult).
We look forward to meeting you for the first time or seeing you once again!